Sunday, January 18, 2009

Delicious & Technorati

Well even though I have looked at both of the above I still don't know whether they are sites I would use on a regular basis. I can see how Delicious could be very useful for someone wanting to have all their bookmarked sites under one heading and Technorati for keeping track of other blogs and when there are new postings added to them. Essentially very useful for people who are keen to keep up with the latest comngs and goings!

5.1 & 2 Wiki

Now, I know exactly what a wiki is and how useful they can be. I especially like the St.Joseph County Library's wiki as it would be so useful for borrowers as a source of further information for a myriad of topics. For instance under the Homeschooling heading there several websites listed as well as other sources of other information. I also found the Booklovers website worth a look

Played in the sandbox and put in my favourite travel destinations - Italy, Greece, New York and Sicily!